Our Solutions

We’re about more than a standardised checklist of products and services – we’re about empowering your business through connections and innovation, taking the next step, scoping and architecturally designing the solution that proficiently serves your needs, without selling you an abundance of items that you really don’t need. Whether you are looking at implementing compliancy and best practices, ensuring that your IT environment runs optimally, expanding within your organisation or simply saving costs, OpenNet will fulfill all your business requirements and deliver quality outputs for an optimal operation.

By applying best practice methods and adhering to IT governance, our inhouse experts are partnering with the industry’s best to deliver service offering that are on par with global standards.

Our Clients

We currently serve local, interprovincial and international long standing clients. Our client base range from small, to corporate, in a wide range of industries, including retail, large franchises, hospitality, manufacturing, warehousing and logistics, government and many more. Through referrals, we are fortunate enough to be continually expanding into other industries in the marketplace. For sake of client confidentially, as well as many security aspects, we have elected not display the specifics of our client’s testimonials on our website, however, client references are available upon request.

Creating Your IT Strategy

We are mindful of the fact that for most companies, IT purchases / investments are viewed as a grudge spend, however, it costs a lot more to be reactive when things break and you find yourself financing hardware under pressure or desperately trying to recover lost data! The foundation of your organisation is a strong network.. We assess your current environment and ensure that we have proactive measures in place. We promote a “prevention is better than cure” way of thinking. Investing into it, instead of spending on it…